American Red Cross

  • Founder and President: Compassion Club, a Red Cross Community Club (2019 - present)
    • We raised funds to vaccinate 3 villages (Vaccinate a Village campaigns).
    • We assembled care packages for veterans (Totes of Hope campaign).
    • We edited maps to help first responders (Missing maps iniative).
    • We hosted an expert talk series on fire and earthquake safety.
  • Youth Executive Board, Silicon Valley (2022 - 2024)
    • Selected by a competitive interview to serve as Silicon Valley Club Liaison Coordinator.
    • Primary contact for Red Cross youth clubs in the Silicon Valley Chapter.
    • Organized and led monthly meetings for over 100 Red Cross youth clubs.
    • Kept clubs up to date about upcoming Red Cross events/initiatives
    • Trained club officers to lead their respective clubs.
  • International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Youth Action Campaign (2021)
    • Campaigned to raise awareness about specific violations of International Humanitarian Law in armed conflicts.
    • Planned and organized events.
    • Created a podcast episode.

Pacifica Senior Living

  • Served, fed lunch, and provided company to residents.
  • Played Veena for residents periodically.
  • Designed and taught a memory course to residents (see my Memory Club section!).

Friends of SGS Vidyalaya

S.G.S Vidyalaya is a school serving underprivileged children in Kurla, Mumbai. SGS Vidyalaya is severely underfunded. The school’s children are very eager to learn and great to interact with. I have been volunteering and fundraising for the school throughout my high school years.

It turns out that transportation is a critical need, because many parents often do not have money to send their children to school, and so the children end up staying home even though they all love learning. This truly broke my heart when I learned about it first. So I made a goal for myself to raise funds for the school every year. The children also need money for books, uniforms, and computers.

Last year, I raised enough funds to provide books, uniforms, and cover transportation costs for all 135 children in the school.

This year so far, I helped establish a computer lab at the school. And this year’s fundraising is still going on! Please donate generously here. You can be assured that your money will go towards a great cause.

Tutoring and Mentoring

I have mentored students in math and science via the Mentoring Program at school and Audacity Tutoring. I am a certified tutor. I tutored students for Algebra, Trigonometry, Pre-calculus, Calculus, Biology, and Chemistry. I am currently a TA for two subjects: Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations, and Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology.